Family Photo

Family Photo

Friday, December 23, 2011

Rainy Days

It has been raining quite a bit lately here in Hawaii, which is starting to make us a little annoyed and stir crazy.  Okay we knew we were going to be living on the rainy side, in the rain forest, and have some "winter" season here but come on!  We have emptied the rain gauge at least every other day for the last couple weeks.  It holds 5 1/2 inches of rain.  Without the sun it stays on the cooler side and infests us with mold and dampness.  Luckily we moved when we did because our old house was just beginning to give everything a slight layer of mold.  (You did see on our blog what it did to our pumpkins in less than 24 hours, right?)  Alright that's enough claiming we are living in Hawaii.   
Here are a couple pictures of things we find to do on the raining days here.  Our days are usually filled with cooking, baking, some art project, game or lego playing.  If we're lucky we find an outside the house activity like go to the budget movie theatre or to the toy store that offers art/music things at low cost like the crowns the kids are wearing. 
Our princess and son working side by side.

Our handsome prince.

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