Family Photo

Family Photo

Saturday, December 3, 2011

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas, or not!

Being that we are from Wisconsin, it is really hard for us to think of this as winter or that it's December.  Let alone that Christmas is right around the corner.  This is the view of our backyard into the coffee and cacao farm.  We miss and feel like we should be looking out back towards some sparkly white snow.  We refused to buy a "fresh" cut tree that just got off the boat from the mainland.  However it was hard to get into the spirit without any sort of tree, lights, and snow.  We settled on buying this 3 foot tall tree, some lights, and had fun making our ornaments.  (Special shout out to Kim for helping to craft the ornaments!)  Both kids were very excited about our new tree and Anika exclaimed "This is the best Christmas tree ever!"  Wow, our cut trees from the past must have been pretty bad or they really are missing everything from home..... 

1 comment:

  1. Cute! Wish I could send you a snowball from the 5 inches we got yesterday! It's pretty beautiful now, no doubt about that..
