Family Photo

Family Photo

Friday, October 28, 2011

'Ohi'a and Lehua

According to legend, 'Ohi'a was a young, handsome Big Island chief.  The volcano goddess Pele know that 'Ohi'a was courting a beautiful young girl named Lehua.  Pele became enamored with 'Ohi'a and desired him for a husband.  One day as the chief went up into the mountains to cut kukui bark to stain his surfboard, Pele appeared to him.  She was dressed in her finest clothes and was quite striking.  After a time, she announced to 'Ohi'a who she was and asked him to be her husband.  Nervously, but very diplomatically, he turned her down, professing his eternal love for Lehua.  In her anger, Pele told him he was as gutless as a piece of wood and changed him into a gnarled tree with grey-green leaves.  When the other gods saw what Pele had done, they felt bad and tried to reverse her actions, but failed.  The best they could do to reunite the broken-hearted Lehua with her beloved 'Ohi'a was to turn Lehua into a beautiful blossom on the same tree.  To this day, it is said that picking a lehua blossom off an 'ohi'a tree will produce rain.  These are the tears from heaven for separated lovers everywhere.

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