Family Photo

Family Photo

Friday, October 21, 2011

3 months in

We have now reached the 3 month mark on our adventure.  We have had some ups and downs.  We just found out that we will have to move out of our rental and find a new place to live.  We enjoy living in the area where we are now so we hope to find something relatively close.  It is nice and close to Pahoa Elementary where Anika goes to school and Racheal works.  It is also close to friends that Lance and Henry met at the park. 

Here is the synopsis thus far:

Lance:  It's been quite an adjustment of being a stay at home dad and working from home.  I miss some of my adult time, however, it has been rewarding to see Henry grow from day to day and setting my own work schedule has been nice.  I have enjoyed our many adventures so far and am still happy with our decision. 

Racheal:  My job is good and for the most part enjoy it.  It's been a great experience leaving all of my comforts of somewhere I knew the ins and outs of to try to figure out a new state's rules, paperwork, customs, co-workers, students, etc.  Hawaii is not really what I expected.  Being that we live in a rain forest, we hardly ever see the ocean, it rains at least daily and the beaches take a new definition here since there's no sand.  Lance and I are closer now and I feel it's because he does the cooking and cleaning which I did in WI.  I'm probably less stressed that way.  I do miss some things like family, friends, fall but know that we'll be back in no time at all.  We will be back in 7 months!  I do not regret this decision.

Anika: "I like when we went to Nana's beach."  Likes the flowers, the community pool, sunny weather and her friends at home.  Enjoyed the plane ride here.  Misses WI.  Nana, grandma, grandpa, cousins, visiting their houses, Iwa (cat), Spaz (dog), apple trees, autumn, jumping in leaves, snow.  She asks at least once a week to go back to WI :(.

Henry:  He is only two so it's hard to get much feedback but he seems to be enjoying Hawaii.  He likes wearing no shirt around the house and yard with papa.  He loves "swimming" in the small pool and ocean pools.  He enjoys eating guavas and bananas.  I think he misses family and our pets.

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