Family Photo

Family Photo

Thursday, April 12, 2012


So now as our time here is getting less and less we are trying to take more and more in.  It's starting to seem bittersweet.  We miss our family, friends, pets, and some parts of life in WI; however, we are finally getting used to the way things are here and will be missing HI once we return.  We have (in our opinion) seen most of what the Big Island has to offer.  We have been to every compass area (east, west, north, and south points), we have been to the sea and up to the mountain top.  We have visited 9 out of the 10 climate zones (we didn't go to the way top of Mauna Kea to see the snow).  We appreciate the beauty of the seasons here and the fruits of nature.  We enjoy our simple life and quality time with our intimate pod (family).  Racheal and Lance enjoy their jobs.  Racheal is learning hula.  Lance is learning how to surf and more on the ukulele. Anika likes her school, classmates, and teacher.  She only has 31 more days of Kindergarten!  Henry likes being home with dad.  We're definitely glad we took this opportunity and will look back on it fondly.

"You must make a choice to take a chance or your life will never change."

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