Family Photo

Family Photo

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Fruits and Vegetation

This is a post we started writing up in September.  We thought we'd just post it now.  Sorry the pictures are more difficult to see.

We'd been so busy exploring the area that we hadn't taken the time to explore our new yard, so we finally took the time after we visited the farmers market last Sunday.  Though guava trees are very common, we feel pretty lucky to have several in our backyard that drop their fruit daily, providing us with endless smoothie material.  We also pick up avocados off the ground daily to make guacamole, though at this point we are looking for other things to do with them.  Tops on the list to try so far are avocado truffles, avocado shakes, and avocado pie.  There are a few pineapple plants as well, but it may be a little while before we can harvest.
We also have a number of hibiscus, bird of paradise, and other flowers that we're not sure of the names yet.

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