Family Photo

Family Photo

Sunday, January 22, 2012


Yesterday we went spelunking in Kaumana Cave, a 2 mile long lava tube that was part of an 1881 eruption and subsequent lava flow that threatened to destroy Hilo.  As the lava approached Hilo, Princess Ruth from Honolulu stood in front of the lava beseeching Pele to spare Hilo.  That night she slept next to the lava flow and by morning it had stopped.  Here's the descent.

 Mmm, that looks interesting...

I see... yes, I concur

Very interesting indeed...
After a rocky start that included Anika falling and cutting her hand on some sharp A'a (luckily we had girl scout mom prepared with a Hello Kitty bandaid), we all enjoyed our short exploration.  We'd like to go back sometime, with some better flashlights. 

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