Family Photo

Family Photo

Sunday, January 1, 2012


We rang in the new year with family, snacks, confetti poppers, mimosas, card playing, and good old Dick Clark's Rocking New Year Eve "live" even though it was after midnight in NYC.  We have gone through much change in this year past.  We are falling into place here in Hawaii and have enjoyed our changes and experiences of 2011.  Here are a few of the highlights for 2011:
Henry became potty trained, started talking more, met his first friend, and gained an appreciation for tropical fruits.
Anika started school, Kindergarten, reading, writing, snorkeling, swimming on her own, first haircut, riding a two wheeler, and becoming more independent.
Racheal started a new job and resigned from her comfort zone.
Lance quit a job he liked, started a new business, and is learning to surf. 
When Racheal first decided to take on this job her school that she had worked at for 9 years granted her a leave of absence; however, they were unable to find a "suitable" replacement and she had to resign.  Now Racheal and Lance will start the job hunt again but to be honest we do not know if we want to work in the schools due to the governor's "bright" ideas of public education.  We wish everyone a happy 2012! 


  1. What a GREAT picture!! Happy New Year!!!!

  2. I'm not crazy about the clothing choice ;-), but this is such a great picture! Hope 2012 is going well so far and best wishes for the year ahead!

