Family Photo

Family Photo

Monday, September 26, 2011

weekend exploring=kupuka puaulu & volcano

Henry pointing out the morning glory.
 Last weekend, on September 16th, we decided to try to see the volcano at night and go on a little hike to Kipuka Puaulu, which is located on Mauna Loa.  We got to the park around 5 pm and were the only ones there.  We enjoyed walking along the trails wearing our sweatshirts and jeans, which is a rarity where we live. 
Kipukas are areas that have older vegetation than the surrounding areas.  This is the result of their having had lava flows cover the surrounding areas, missing the kipuka and sparing its vegetation.  

The Monkeys
 This kupuka puaulu is called bird park, even though all we saw were some wild pheasants. We had a great hike and enjoyed the feeling of fall around us. Since Lance and I both love fall weather and have been missing it. We walked the mile hike without seeing any other people just our family, which was really nice.  By the end of our hike it was getting very dark in the canopy of trees and we were getting a little nervous of the length of the hike.  However, we made it out with daylight to spare away from the trees.

Arch of Trees

The Kalij Pheasant

The "Glow"
After our walk we then headed into the Volcano's National Park to see the awe of  the volcano "glow" to be fairly disappointed in the lack of excitement.  It ended up rainy and overcast when we arrived.  We saw no glow and heard people saying "So glad we got here when we did since now you can't see anything"..... frustrating.  However, we did catch a glimpse of it when we decided to call it quits and head home.  Not as exciting as anyone was hoping for.  It is not flowing yet but kind of bubbling in the cone of the volcano which can only be seen from overhead.

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