Family Photo

Family Photo

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Tide Pools

After a day of inservice for me, I got home earlier than normal and thought it would be fun to go to the tide pools.  It took a bit of push to get my family on board.  However, I did finally convince and we headed to Kapoho to see if we could find them.  We did find the parking lot, got geared up, and headed in.  Henry was very unsure about the floating around in his super water suit.  Anika wanted to immediately start floating on her blue noodle and did great.  The pools were shallow and perfect for the whole family.  There were some currents flowing through that pushed us around a little.  We saw many colorful fish, skinny fish, some coral, a sea cucumber, and Lance saw a sea urchin.  Thankfully we all wore some water shoes/sandals of some sort because the lava rock was poky.  The kids got a little cold and we decided to drop them off on a rock island while Lance and I explored a little more.  We need to go back on another day with our snorkels(we decided just to wear our masks) and maybe a child watcher or at least masks for them.  But overall it was a nice little viewing for an afternoon.

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