Family Photo

Family Photo

Sunday, August 14, 2011


So I was talking with a few co-workers last week and said that I used to make jam back in WI.  So one of them says "Wow, really?  You should try to make some here."  I said "Yeah, if I get some fruit cheap I will."  Silly, silly me.  So I see her yesterday and she waves at me and says that she has something for me.  With me having no idea what she is talking about, she goes into her classroom and hands me a bag of lilikoi and tells me it's for the jam I said I would make, or butter since that tastes good too.  So now after buying a strainer, jars, sugar, and pectin I am having a go making the so called lilikoi jam.  We shall see.  The recipe I found called for lemons but since I didn't have any I'm using guavas.... they're tart, right? 
Here's my update:  The first attempt made syrup, which is tasty on pancakes but since I was going for jelly I tried again.  I reconstituted it and made a pectin syrup.  Then went by 1 cup increments until I redid every jar.  Ended up making 5 jars and 4 set up and one was questionable.  However, I gave the "syrupy" one to my co-worker and she said that it set up while in the fridge.  I would say it was a success.  Both Lance and I like it and the co-worker's little girl said "I LOVE lilikoi jelly and want it everyday!"  We also had enough juice to fill up a pitcher. 
Lilikoi is also known as passion fruit.  It grows on a vine here.  Next jam/jelly attempt will be guavas.  But I would do this again.  If anyone wants to come visit to sample let us know.


  1. Just like being back home! I can't wait to hear how it turns out. I just made blueberry jam this weekend. I think when you live here it gets in your blood that you need to make jam this time of year. What does a lilikoi taste like? Miss you and love hearing about your adventures! =)

  2. Sounds yummy! Leave it to you to find a way to be domestic while on "vacation"! :)
