Family Photo

Family Photo

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Green Sand Beach

The last thing on our list to do on the Big Island was to visit one of only 2 green sand beaches in the world.  In order to get there, though, requires either a 4 mile hike in extremely sunny, windy conditions or driving a treacherous 'road' that requires a 4 wheel drive truck and the skills to use it.  So, we had given up on that dream. 

Enter our intrepid friend Jed Iverson.  Despite criticism from his wife, he rented an 8 passenger 4x4 allowing his family and ours to visit one of the most rare and beautiful geolgical features in the world.

After talking story with a local at the entrance to the trail, he said we should probably be able to make it without a problem and assured us that the 30 degree rocky hill we were looking at was the worst part.  Along the way we had to get out of the car and scout out the best route in order to not get stuck a number of times and had to drive at a precarious, near 45 degree angle several times.  We also had to drive through a sand ditch with 6 inch clearance on each side of the truck where the walls of the ditch were above the windows.  The rocky road caused everyone to jostle about and even resulted in a bloody lip and bruised cranium in seperate incidents.  Despite all this everyone maintained a brave face, though we all questioned our sanity at one time or another.   
Repeatedly, Jed had to hear the many backseat drivers questioning his quick decisions.  Chau throughout the ride could be heard saying "Geez louise, Jed" and "oh" or something about wondering about the rental car or if we should turn around.  But in the end everyone was amazed by Jed's great manouvering skills of the extra large Tahoe and secretly glad we didn't have to drive that path into the great unknown.

A view out the back window of the nice part of the 'road'

Our final rewarding view from the top of the cliff after a 45 minute drive of a questionable idea.

1 comment:

  1. The picture is so awsome. In person it must have been well worth the effort and injury. I'm glad you lived to share it.
