Family Photo

Family Photo

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Hike Part II

Here are a couple pictures of us from our hike into the Pololu Valley before we headed back up due to having the rock behind Anika disappear into the rain curtain.  We quickly made the game time decision to head back up.  However, it came too late and we got soaked the whole way back to the car.  But it was still a great family hike and helped us go very quickly back up the steep ascent.
Taken by Anika Hovland

Monday, March 26, 2012

Pololu valley

This weekend we went to the northern tip of the island to hike into the ruggedly beautiful Pololu valley.  It was cloudy, but we made it over half-way down before we decided to turn around because the rock island off the coast disappeared under a curtain of rain.  We didn't make it all the way down, got a little muddy and very wet, but it was a fun adventure!

Yes, those are cows in the valley.

Saturday, March 24, 2012


On our most recent snorkeling visit to the Kapoho tide pools we got the luxury of seeing a green sea turtle (honu in Hawaiian) on the bottom of the sea floor.  It also swam up to the top of the water to get some air a handful of times and at one point swam beside and under us!  It was one of the coolest things that we got to see so far.  It seemed surreal and was neat to see it glide around under the water.  Many fish also surrounded the turtle while it was eating.  Here are a couple pictures, which don't do it much justice, but enjoy.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Much Mahalo

Colette was dropped off at the airport on Friday night.  It was again sad to see a friend go.  This was her first time seeing the ocean, flying by herself, and doing something for herself.  We were very busy while she visited and hope she enjoyed her whirlwind tour of the Big Island.  She must have because she wasn't ready to leave.  However, we used this whole weekend to recooperate and pretty much lazed around the house.  Here are a few photos of her visit with the family.  A hui hou, Colette!

Friday, March 16, 2012

From Makai to Mauka

To start the day we ventured makai (seaward) and did some more snorkeling.  After we stopped back at our house for a break, we continued mauka (mountainward); finishing the day by watching the sunset and stargazing above the clouds atop Mauna Kea.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Snorkeling (again)

With our friend Colette here, we felt the need to go snorkeling some more. This was Colette's first time snorkeling! She was treated to quite a show at the Kapoho tide pools.

Sea Cucumber (with a little fish that snuck into the picture)

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Our 4th guest arrived Thurs. night!  Welcome Colette!  With her first day we headed south and visited the 1990 Kalapana lava flow, drove the Kalapana-Kapoho road along the seaside, ate lunch at Poihiki, and walked through Lava Tree State Park.  It was a beautiful day!  We even found some ripe coconuts, so we could have some fresh coconut milk and meat.
1990 Kalapana Lava Flow (All photos courtesy of Colette Grothe)

Tree canopy at Lava Tree State Park
Star of the Sea Painted Church near Kalapana

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Pahoa Train Station

Here is Anika standing next to the Pahoa Elementary mural that greets us every morning.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Na alii Rock

Here at Pu'uhonua o Hōnaunau (Place of Refuge) National Park, the kids are sitting on what was described by Mark Twain as the favorite place for the local chief to sit and contemplate.  The holes in the rock could at one time have been used to house sticks that held up a canopy for shade.